Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a problem of the eye growing too long. Higher levels of myopia carry a significantly increased risk of potentially blinding retinal complications. 

About Us

The Myopia Control Clinic specializes in optometric care of children and young adults with myopia. In addition to providing conventional glasses for clear vision, our services include options for controlling the progression of myopia. 

Our Services

We use specialized equipment and techniques to comprehensively evaluate refractive errors (i.e. myopia) and the size and shape of our patients’ eyes. These measurements along with myopia progression history are used to determine an optimum management strategy, which may include the fitting of specialty contact lenses and glasses shown in recent research to be highly effective in controlling myopia progression. 

 Orthokeratology (OrthoK) 

Of all the currently available options for controlling myopia progression, OrthoK is among the most effective. Reductions in the rate of eye elongation from 30% to 80% have been reported in various studies. 

This procedure uses specially designed contact lenses (OrthoK lenses), made from rigid gas permeable materials that are worn overnight during sleep. They are designed to flatten the cornea, which is the front surface of the eye, and to give clear vision when removed in the morning. 

Multifocal contact lenses 

Multifocal (or MF) soft contact lenses have been shown to significantly slow or even stop further increases in nearsightedness. These lenses were originally developed for older adults who have lost their ability to focus at near, but are now being used by younger patients to slow the progression of myopia. 

Low Dose Atropine Eye Drops

Atropine eye drops of lower concentrations has been shown to inhibit the progression of myopia with great tolerability. It can be used as a standalone treatment or as an  adjunct therapy to overnight OrthoK or daytime wear MF contact lenses. 

Myopia Facts

Myopia has also become increasingly common the world over, at least in part due to our change in visual habits and increased time devoted to near activities (i.e., smartphones, laptops, etc.)

Myopia's prevalence has increased in the US from 25% in 1983 to almost 50% in 2017. 

Appointments can be made in person or by telephone.

Contact Us

Myopia Control Clinic 
Herbert Wertheim School of Optometry & Vision Science
200 Minor Addition
UC Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720

(510) 642-2020 

Clinic Chief 
Celia Gong, OD, MS, FAAO, FSLS
Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor