The Digital Health Clinic at Berkeley Optometry provides diabetic retinopathy screening services to over a hundred health clinics and organizations throughout California.

Our Services

Timely Interpretation
Interpretation of diabetic retinal images by credentialed eye care providers, typically within 24 hours of the patient’s screening visit.

Diagnosis and Recommendation
Evidence-based diagnosis and recommendations regarding diabetic retinopathy status as well as other incidental eye conditions.

Staff Training and Education
Training, certification, clinic support and quality assurance for contracted clinics.  Education for Patients and providers with actual patient images and diagnosis.

Third Party Insurance Billing
Clinics may be eligible for financial credit and automatic HEDIS capture via participating insurance payers.   The administration of this billing is handled fully by Digital Health, allowing clinics to be reimbursed fully and for Quality of Care measures to be met.

Increase Compliance

Increase Compliance with Annual Diabetic Retinal Screening Rates and Quality of Care. Digital Health partners with EyePACS, a comprehensive retina diagnostic and study platform that provides point-of-care retinal assessment and recommendations for diabetic patients. Additional services include:

  • Photographer training and Certification – Live and remote trainings via EyePACS.
  • Diagnoses and management recommendations by UC Berkeley-credentialed Optometrists.
  • Ongoing Quality assurance, control and real-time technical support for clinic staff.
  • Assessment and recommendations for non-diabetic conditions and urgent care.
  • Education, information and in-service to clinic staff.

Learn More

To learn more, and to request education materials, please call us at (510) 642-5456 email us at the address below.