We are happy to accept referrals from other healthcare providers. In addition to primary eye care, our faculty offer diagnosis, and management of vision problems caused by diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetes. We also offer a thorough assessment of visual and neurological systems. If further testing or treatment is needed, our patients can visit on-site specialty clinics, such as Low Vision, Ocular Disease, Dry Eye, Binocular Vision, Sports Vision, Infant and Children’s vision, and Refractive Surgery.
How to Refer a Patient
If you would like to refer a patient to one of our specialty clinics, please follow the steps listed below. The referral process can vary between clinics. Please choose a clinic below for specific instructions.
Generally, we will need the following information:
- Patient name and contact information
- Doctor name and contact information
- What clinic you are referring your patient to
- Why you are referring this patient
- Completed referral form
Specialty Clinics
For a description of our Specialty Clinics, please use the link below.
Clinic Specific Instructions
Referrals are not required for patients to be seen in the Binocular Vision Clinic, but if you are referring a patient to us, please fill out the BV referral form and fax or email it to us.
Email: caleyecare@berkeley.edu
Fax: (510) 642-8012
Referrals are not required for patients to be seen in the Dry Eye Clinic, but if you are referring a patient to us, please fill out the referral form (link above) and fax or email it to us.
Email: caleyecare@berkeley.edu
Fax: (510) 642-8012
Referrals are not required for patients to be seen in the Dry Eye Clinic, but if you are referring a patient to us, please us fill out the referral form (link above) and fax or email it to us.
Email: caleyecare@berkeley.edu
Fax: (510) 642-8012
Referrals are not required for patients to be seen in the Ocular Disease Clinic, but if you are referring a patient to us, please fill out the referral form and fax or email it to us.
Email: caleyecare@berkeley.edu
Fax: (510) 642-8012
While patients do not need a referral to be seen for a Myopia Control Clinic, they do need to be seen by us for a Myopia Control Consultation prior to their being fitted for lenses, and they do need a glasses prescription from an exam less than three months prior to this appointment.
If you are referring a patient to us, please fill out the referral form and fax or email it us.
Email: caleyecare@berkeley.edu
Fax: (510) 642-8012
Referrals are not required for patients to be seen in the Neuro-Eval Clinic, but if you are referring a patient to us, please fill out the referral form and fax or email it us.
Email: caleyecare@berkeley.edu
Fax: (510) 642-8012
We offer free consultations, and referrals are not required for patients to be seen in the Refractive Surgery Center, but if you are referring a patient to us, please fill out the referral form and fax or email it us.
Email: caleyecare@berkeley.edu
Fax: (510) 642-8012
Referrals are not required for patients to be seen in the Sjögren’s Clinic, but if you are referring a patient to us, please fill out the referral form and fax or email it us.
Email: caleyecare@berkeley.edu
Fax: (510) 642-8012
We have a specific application process for our Special Visual Assessment clinic. Please contact us for details.
Email: caleyecare@berkeley.edu
Referrals are not required for patients to be seen in the Specialty Contact Lens Clinic, but if you are referring a patient to us, please fill out the referral form and fax or email it to us.
Email: caleyecare@berkeley.edu
Fax: (510) 642-8012
To be seen in our Sports Vision Clinic for a Post Concussion Evaluation, we prefer that patients have a referral from their doctor. Please us fill out the referral form and fax or email it us.
Email: caleyecare@berkeley.edu
Fax: (510) 642-8012
The majority of patients are referred by other eye care providers (ophthalmologists and optometrists). However, a referral is not needed for an individual to be evaluated in Vision Function Clinic. If you are referring a patient to us, please fill out the referral form and fax or email it us.
Email: caleyecare@berkeley.edu
Fax: (510) 642-8012