Stephen R. Chun
OD, OD - Doctor of Optometry FAAO, FAAO - Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry DAAO
Stephen Chun.


Clinical Professor of Optometry

Stephen R. Chun
OD, OD - Doctor of Optometry FAAO, FAAO - Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry DAAO


Clinical Professor of Optometry

Additional Job Duties

Founder/Coordinator, UC Berkeley International Optometry Education Programs in China & Korea, and 4 th Year External Clinical Rotations & Post-graduate Clinical Fellowship Program at the Eye Center, Beijing Medical University (BMU) & Peking University Health Sciences Center (PKHSC), 1996-2014.


University of California, Berkeley, 1974

Cell & Molecular Biology, University of California, Berkeley, 1974


Chun SR. (2018) Chapter 19. Solar Radiation and Eye Protection. In S. Donelan (Ed.), Wilderness Emergency Care, 3 rd edition, revised. Centerville VA: The National Association for Search and Rescue, Inc.

About Dr. Chun

The focus of my clinical practice and teaching of optometric interns at the UC Berkeley Meredith Morgan Eye Center is to provide comprehensive, state-of-the-art optometric vision and eye care services, delivered in a professional, compassionate and comfortable environment, and performed in an efficient, responsive, and respectful manner for the patients that we have the privilege to care for, and for the health professional colleagues in the community that we have the opportunity to work with.

Patients are people who have emotions, feelings and concerns. Educating patients and their families about their eyes, vision and health is a critical element of providing comprehensive primary optometric care. Therefore, I make every effort to oversee a patient’s visual function, eye health and related health care and serve as a patient advocate. It is important to help patients with their questions and give personal attention to their specific vision and eye care needs.

I strive to maintain a knowledge base in many areas of Optometry including binocular vision, pediatrics, contact lenses, refractive and ocular surgery management, ophthalmic optics, developmental vision, low vision, ocular disease treatment and management including glaucoma, geriatrics, occupational and sports vision.

In addition to teaching, I founded and manage a private practice, the Berkeley Optometric Group where I take care of patients (1976-present) and served continuously on the medical staff at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Centers (Redwood City, Richmond) from 1977-2018.

I have participated as a clinical investigator for studies and patient-based research relating to the effects of systemic and ocular pharmaceuticals on the eye and vision and am embarking on new clinical study on myopia.

Over the years, I have served in leadership roles both on the California State Board of Optometry (1986-1994) as its president and chair of licensing examinations, and on the National Board of Examiners in Optometry (NBEO) committees on examination development and clinical skills. I am a founding committee member of the Primary Care Section of the American Academy of Optometry (AAO) (1989-present) and its diplomate program. I stay active as a fellow of AAO. Locally, I am a past president of the Bay Area Optometric Council (BAOC) and the founding chair of its Mentoring/Externship Program (1983-present).

Currently, I serve on the International Optometry Education (IOE) Committee of the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry (ASCO). I continue to mentor both pre-optometry students and UC Berkeley optometry students through the Berkeley-BAOC Mentorship Program (BBMP). Optometry is stimulating, very rewarding and enriching!