Shirin Barez
MD, MD - Doctor of Medicine MS MS - Master of Science
Shirin Barez
MD, MD - Doctor of Medicine MS MS - Master of Science


Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, 1982

Physiologic Optics, University of California, Berkeley, 1984

George Washington University, 1988

Internal Medicine Internship
George Washington University, 1989

Laboratory of Immunology, National Eye Institute. 1990

Ophthalmology, George Washington University, 1993

Vitreoretinal Fellowship
Devers Eye Institute, 1995

About Dr. Barez

Dr. Shirin Barez is an ophthalmologist and medical retina specialist . She has extensive experience in the treatment of patients with macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinal breaks and retinal vascular occlusions. Dr. Barez has a long history of clinical research in early detection of diabetic retinopathy and is widely published in peer-reviewed journals. She has been an invited speaker at many scientific forums. Dr. Barez has been an educator for over 2 decades, teaching students, residents and other doctors.