Dennis Burger
OD, OD - Doctor of Optometry FAAO, FAAO - Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry Diplomate of AAO - Cornea, AAO - American Academy of Optometry Contact Lens and Refractive Surgery
Dennis Burger.


Clinical Professor

Dennis Burger
OD, OD - Doctor of Optometry FAAO, FAAO - Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry Diplomate of AAO - Cornea, AAO - American Academy of Optometry Contact Lens and Refractive Surgery


Clinical Professor


University of California, Berkeley, 1967

University of California, Berkeley, 1968

University of California, Berkeley, 1978

University of California, Berkeley, 1994

Glaucoma Certification
University of California, Berkeley, 2005


Burger DS; Zadnik K; Keratoconus, in London and Harris (Ed), Problems in Optometry, J. Lippincott, Philadelphia; 2(4):643-663, 1990.

Burger DS; Keratoconus: Etiology, Diagnosis, and Management, Practical Optometry, Medicopea, Montreal; 2(4):121-129, 1991.

Burger DS, London R; Soft Opaque Contact Lenses in Binocular Vision Problems, Journal of the American Optometric Association, 64(3):176-180, 1993.

Burger DS; Contact Lens Alternatives for Keratoconus, Contact Lens Spectrum 8(3):49-55, 1993.

Burger DS, Barr J; Effects of contact lenses in keratoconus, In Silbert JA (ed) Anterior Segment Complications of Contact Lens Wear, New York, Churchhill Livingstone, 379-399, 1994.

Chan JS, Mandell RB, Burger DS, Fusaro RB. Accuracy of videokeratography for instantaneous radius in keratoconus, Optometry and Vision Science 72(11):793, 1995.

Burger DS; Zadnik K; Keratoconus, in London and Harris (Ed), Contact Lenses for Pre and Post-Surgery, St. Louis, Mosby, pp. 21-52, 1996.

Zadnik K, Burger DS. (1995) Keratoconus. In: Bennett ES, Weissman BA. Clinical Contact Lens Practice. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company.

Chan J, Burger DS; Contact lens fitting of irregular corneas, Contact Lens Spectrum, 12(4);32-40, 1997.

Burger DS, Shovlin JP, Zadnik K; Keratoconus: Diagnosis and Management, Pacific University On Line continuing education series, Address: 11; August 1997

Burger DS, Shovlin JP, Zadnik K; Keratoconus: Diagnosis and Management, Optometry Today 5(7);14-28, 1997.

Burger DS: Keratoconus fitting made easy. Optometry Today, 6(8); 36-39, 1998.

Burger DS, Pediatric Contact Lenses, The Untapped Population, Editorial, Silicon Hydrogyl Newletter. October, 2006

Burger DS., Davis LJ, Aphakia. In Bennett ES and Henry VA, Clinical Manual of Contact Lenses, 3rd Edition, Philadelphia, Lippencott, pp 468-507, 2008

About Dr. Burger

Dr. Burger’s primary interest and practice was in the fitting of Specialty Contact Lenses. Contact lenses can be used not only for common vision problems, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness, but can be used for various medical conditions to improve a patient’s vision. Eye diseases due to corneal irregularity will cause decreased vision. These patients will benefit from the use of contact lenses. The contact lenses will dramatically improve the vision and the quality of life for these patients. Conditions that benefit from contact lenses include: keratoconus, pellucid degeneration, corneal transplants, and corneal scars. Dr. Burger has helped patients see better for 50 yrs. Dr. Burger continues to teach in our clinic and share his expertise with patients and students.